Pankajan Satkunam

Hi! I am Pankajan Satkunam. I'm 22years old and live in Colombo.Actually I come from Earlalai which is the village in Jaffna.I Lived 21 years in Earlalai,but now I come to Colombo to study software Engineering at University of Kelaniya. My father is farmer and My mother is housewife.
I am interested in physics and chemistry.Computer appeared in my Life when I studied A/L. Then I get my first computer.It is a desktop computer. I was just playing computer games, but some time later, I noticed that I could do a lot more things with the computer, for example programming. Now, I can already program in C, C++,Java and HTML.
I have my own site on the internet and I have done many programs. I hope that in the future I will get a job as a Software Engineer.
My favorite intellectual game is chess.
I like to watch hollywood movies. My favorite movie is "V for vendetta".I like story and the dialogs.